Mistel: Germany Composite Aircraft and Operations: 1942-45


Robert Forsythe


Classic Publications #7
£35.00 -- $59.95


Peter A. James


288 pages with some period color photos.

Mention "Mistel" & I am sure that most of us will think of the Ju88 / MeBf109 or FW190 combination aircraft. But, did you realise that it was a British invention? No? Well what about the Mayo – Mercury Composite flying boat & seaplane? Or what about the plans to mount a Hurricane on a Whitley for long range maritime patrol & defence against the FW200 Condors?

On the German side, experiments started on February 26th 1929, when Hugo Junkers proposed various composite airframes so as to increase their range.

All these stories & more are included in this latest book from Classic Publications. The wartime story starts with plans to carry a fully equipped DFS 230 assault glider into the attack. Then came the Ju88 / MeBf109 combination, designed for attacking large well-protected targets, particularly the Royal Navy at Scapa Floe. Finally, there were the late war projects for launching a V1 from a FW190, jet propelled stand off weapons designed around the Me262, a heavy bomber destroyer idea utilising the Ta154 & many other exotic pulse jet escort fighter ideas.

Mistel operations, both planned & actually carried out are told through the tales of aircrew who actually took part in these operations, as well as those of the Allied pilots combating them. All of this is profusely illustrated with photographs, some in colour, as well as technical drawings, three views & colour paintings. Mistel combinations captured by the advancing Allies are very well documented.

As with all the Classic publications, this book can probably be considered as the definitive history of the subject. It will prove a fascinating read to anyone interested in Luftwaffe aircraft as well as being an ideal source of reference for anyone contemplating either the various kits available or planning their own conversions of some of the more exotic variants.

Highly reccomended.


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