Ampersand's US Half Tracks part 2


 David Doyle




Scott Van Aken

NOTES: 443 pages, hardcover, ISBN 978-0-9861127-4-4

Last year, Ampersand Publishing released their first volume on the US Half-Track. In that edition, the development of the basic vehicles was covered in superb detail. That edition has sold out as of this writing, which has to tell you something about how well it was received.

This edition, continues from where the last one left off. In volume two, all of the non-standard vehicles are covered. This includes the myriad of GMC (Gun Motor Carriages) that were developed. These range anywhere from those used as anti-tank weapons carrying 75mm guns to those which carried howitzers, mortars or were used for air defense. It is probably the latter usage that most modelers have some familiarity, thanks to a Monogram kit from the 1960s and a slightly newer one from the early days of Tamiya.

Each of the various sections includes a full history of the development of the type. As many know, several manufacturers built these vehicles and that resulted in multiple prototypes before one version was chosen. These are some pretty incredible vehicles and I know I'd love to see some of these done as kits. What probably makes this a book to have is that there are an incredible number of superbly taken photographs of each vehicle type. Thankfully, the Aberdeen proving ground did extensive photography of these vehicles and those are included in this volume.

I know a lot of readers want to see these vehicles as they were in action, and the book includes a lot of those sorts of images. But when one wants to see detail, it is best to see these when they are not covered in mud or draped with nets or personal equipment. Not only the overall vehicle was photographed, but there are detail shots of the gun mounts and the various shields and other modifications made. These are a real boon for the modeler. In addition, period photos like this are of vehicles that are not missing pieces and bits as is often the case with museum or restored vehicles.

In addition to field use during WWII, there is a section on post war usage and a section on three-quarter tracks or half track trucks. This is finished by a few appendices as well as some very nice war-time magazine advertisements that include half-tracks in the images.

If you have any interest in the subject, this is an edition that you simply must have in your collection. I simply cannot recommend this one enough, it is that well done.

April 2016

Review copy courtesy Ampersand Publishing. Get yours today at this link.

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