Air Power Editions' Ace Profiles #2: Max-Hellmuth Ostermann


Ace Profiles #2: Max-Hellmuth Ostermann


Chirster Bergstrom, profiles by Claes Sundin


Airpower Editions


£16.99 MSRP


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 978-0-9555977-2-5, A4 format, 64 pages, card covers.

This is the second book in the Aces Profiles series by Air Power Editions and covers another successful but less than well known pilot, Max-Hellmuth Ostermann.

To provide a very brief synopsis, Ostermann entered the Luftwaffe pre-war and was originally assigned to a Bf-110 unit. However, Ostermann was not the tallest of pilots and found the aircraft to be really more than he could handle. A wise squadron commander recommended that he be transferred to single seat fighters and that was all that was needed to start Ostermann on a successful career.

Starting with JG 21 during the French campaign and going on to the Balkans and finally Russia, Osterman went through a succession of aircraft, successes and rose in position as his skills improved. Shortly after exceeding 100 confirmed victories, he was killed in mid 1942 by a Soviet Lagg-3 pilot.

The author tells the story of this pilot in such a manner that one is drawn into the saga. We get the chance to not only read of his many missions and successes, but also the near death events and the problems he had dealing with a constant lack of materiel and manpower that was prevalent on the Eastern Front.

All of this is enhanced by a superb collection of period photographs drawn from many sources, and the outstanding profiles of renowned artist, Claes Sundin, whose work is acknowledged as among the best there is.

Together, this makes for an outstanding read for history buffs and a superlative reference for modelers. It is a book you can buy knowing you are getting the best there is.

Review book courtesy of Airpower Editions. Get yours at or your local bookshop.

April 2008

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