Diver! Diver! Diver!

Author/Artists: Brian Cull with Bruce Lander


Grub Street


$59.95 MSRP from Casemate


Scott Van Aken

Notes: 472 pages, ISBN 978-190494339-6

From time to time one gets to read a book that is so well researched that it would seem that nothing will top it. Such is the case on this book concerning V-1 operations. The authors have gone to primary research sources to bring together this most complete and thorough account of the Allies war against the world's first cruise missile, the Fieseler 103 or V-1. Also known as the 'buzz bomb', the 'doodlebug' and 'diver' the V-1 was fired towards British and Belgian targets by the thousands from the middle of 1944 until just before the end of the war.

There are no bones about it, this is a reference book and not something that one can sit down and read in the course of a few evenings. It is a compilation of details of every known sortie against every known V-1 that made it into the air long enough to be a threat to the south of England or to Antwerp and Liege later in the war. There are first person accounts by the people under the bombs, those manning anti-aircraft guns and spotlights as well as the pilots of the planes involved in the intercept missions. The time, date, unit, serial number, code, and type of aircraft are all listed. As are whatever pilot reports are still extant. When the Germans started launching the V-1 from He-111 bombers, we then get all the pertinent information from the crews of these planes in addition to their fate. When you consider the thousands of missiles launched and intercepted, you can get an idea of the sheer scope of this work.

In addition, it covers the assault on Antwerp and Liege by not only the V-1, but the larger V-2 as well. Here it was up to anti-aircraft guns more than planes to destroy the V-1s. Yet many slipped through and no V-2s were ever destroyed by defenses. There are also a near dozen appendices that cover those killed in action, a concise reference table of who shot down what, the top scorers, Mosquito claims against night flying V-1 launch aircraft, the electronics used to try to jam the missile, some of the rumors concerning these weapons, and the use of piloted V-1s. There are sections on Operation Aphrodite, Anvil and Castor, Dr.Goebbels' predictions concerning unmanned aircraft and the post war development of these vehicles by the Allies.

Overall a superlative reference on the type that will certainly be difficult to top. A book that will provide many pleasurable hours thumbing through the pages. A book that I know you will want to have in your library. I can highly recommend it to you as you will not find any better source of information on the subject. Combined with some excellent photographs, it is the sort of book that you'll find to be a fascinating read. It is a superb book that answers a lot of questions and brings up a few as well. It is one that you simply must read. Highly recommended.

March 2009

Review book courtesy of  Casemate Publishing, where you can order your copy of this and many other superb books and DVDs.

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