
USN/USMC Skyhawks part 1


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co - e-mail AeroResearch@Charter.net to order yours


$11.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 1003

This CD covers the A-4 Skyhawk in US service. One of my favorite aircraft, as much for its longevity as for anything else. It also served in a large number of units spending many of its last years as colorfully camouflaged aggressor aircraft.

This one seems to cover the earlier Skyhawks as I saw no A-4M or OA-4M versions and not very many TA-4s. Image quality ranged from fuzzy to very good with the majority of the images very good. The sheet that came with the CD emphasizes that these images are chosen for their schemes and interest to modelers and enthusiasts, so that probably is the reason for the lesser images.

I did notice a propensity to chop off bits of noses or tails of the aircraft in a larger percentage of images than I'd like to see. I'm not sure if this is due to the original slide or an attempt to get them all to be the same size, but as a photographer myself, it certainly is quite noticeable and something I would take pains to prevent when on the ramp. I also noticed that I have several of these images in my own collection and could possibly have taken a few of them myself, though those are probably from others in the group I was with on that particular day.

Overall, it is a very well done CD with 151 large images taking up about 353 Megabytes on the CD. Average file size was between 1.2 and 2.7 Megabytes. If you have an interest in these aircraft, and who doesn't, then I can most highly recommend this CD to you. You'll be just as pleased with it as I.

You can get more information by e-mailing AeroResearch@Charter.net as they have not yet established a web site. Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

April, 2007

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