Aero Research's Worldwide Military #5


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co - visit to order yours


$12.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 1066

This disc from Aero Research covers a wide number of different types from different air arms around the world, though mostly in Europe. Included are a goodly number of special schemes as well as some standard markings. As you might expect, there are also quite a few photos from air shows, and that includes the crowds of the time in the image, though thankfully, most of these don't have people walking in front of the camera.

Each one of the 153 images has as much information as is known about the subject, place and date provided. Aircraft are listed by name so you'll have AB 212 before Canberra and this works its way through to Victor. Probably the most covered type is the F-16 with most of those being special scheme birds. Also in abundance are Mirages of different varieties and some nice C-54s in addition to some rather neat types like the Argus or Comet.

In all, it is a nice addition to Aero Research's growing line of photo CDs and well worth adding to your collection.

 You can get more information by visiting

Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

December 2015


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