Aero Research: Jetliner Collection #2


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co -


$12.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 2007

This is Aero Research's second photo CD covering what I guess you'd call the 'big boys' of jet liners. The CD has all the big names from the Boeing 707 to the 767, the Douglas DC-8 to DC-10 (Only one MD in this batch), Convair 880/990s,  and finishing up with a VFW just to be different. Back in a different life, I used to collect airliner post cards and can remember seeing many of these aircraft on those cards. I also recall seeing many of the US liveries that are shown here, but are now long gone from mergers or going bust.

The CD has 380 Megabytes of images, with 153 separate entries, each with as much information as is known about the image like the place and date the photo was taken, though not all have this information available for various reasons.

Like the other CD's these are overall portraits of these planes with image quality generally excellent, and  most of them taxi shots or push-back images.  It is markings that make these planes interesting and you'll find lots to pique your interest.

I know I liked it and I am equally sure that you will as well.

I would be remiss if I didn't point out that Aero Research now has a web site where their full catalog can be purchased. They have also increased production from 8 to 12 titles a year, something I know we will all appreciate.

Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

August 2011

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