Aero Research's Ag Aviation


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co - e-mail to order yours


$12.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue # 5008

This is an interesting choice of CDs. Ag birds are something that are probably some of the hardest working aircraft outside the major scheduled airlines. These aircraft operate from small strips, making several flights a day and operating at very low altitudes. For that reason, the cockpits are generally quite high and the aircraft themselves are usually small and maneuverable.

That is not always the case as often ex-warbirds are called into play. Add to it that helicopters are more and more often being used, especially if the area is rather restricted. There are 161 images in 361 megabytes and the images run the gamut of Ag birds. You will find the usual Cessna 188, Grumman AgCats, Piper Pawnees and a number of other types. You will also find a B-17, B-18, TBMs, H-43s, Connies, N3Ns, Stearmans and a variety of other types either purpose built for the job, or converted.

Like the other CD's these are overall portraits of these planes with image quality generally very good. Each image is listed with as much information as is known about the aircraft and the location in which it was photographed. If you like interesting and some pretty hard flown airplanes, then this is for you.

I know I liked it and I am equally sure that you will as well.

You can get more information by visiting or e-mailing

Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

April 2013

If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.