Aero Research's Modeler's Guide to the P-38 Lightning


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co


$10.95  plus S&H from


Scott Van Aken


Aero Research has put its third Modeler's Guide book onto CD for you. This one is on the P-38 and offers everything that you would get in the paper edition. Like that edion it includes a nice selection of cockpit shots to show the difference in the instrument panels as the aircraft evolved.

This is, as the title suggests, a modeler's guide. Modelers want to know what bits and pieces are applicable to which variants and what the serial number runs are on the different versions. This book provides that. It covers all 26 different variants of the P-38, using drawings of each aircraft type and then providing information on what bits apply. This allows you to properly portray the aircraft you are building.

I have shown one sample page to give you an idea of what is offered. The indicators are divided into those items that have changed since the previous version, and then those that are options which are not found on all aircraft. As you can see, a small historical section is given as well as which kits are recommended by the author to do your model.

Speaking of which, the initial part of the book is a listing and review of all currently available kits (25 in this one) as well as a listing of all decal sheets and aftermarket parts that have been done. This latter is helpful if hunting up something at a vendor's table or auction site.

In addition to all of this, there is a section that lists all the serial numbers of the versions, the countries that flew them, the units that flew them, and surviving aircraft (both display and still flying). 

In all, it really is an excellent reference and resource for the modeler. Its most reasonable price makes it a true bargain as well. Most highly recommended. 

 You can get more information and order yours by visiting

Thanks to Aero Research for the review  book.

September 2013

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