
Dataview #4: F-16 Falcon


Chris Reed


Dataview Books


$10.00 direct


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

This is the fourth CD-ROM from Dataview and like any other new company, their product has been improving with each release. This is by far their best effort and it covers an aircraft that all modern jet enthusiasts like; the F-16.

As with other Dataview releases it has a good history of the type and then it goes into the units and countries that are operating the aircraft. The photos are an improvement over previous editions as they are now larger than what was initially offered. This alone has doubled the size of what is written on the CD and makes it a much more valuable reference.

Photos are from official sources as well as from enthusiast photographers. The overall result is a much more desirable product that, dare I say it, looks a lot more professional. A really big plus is that the CD now has autostart capabilities so all you have to do is plunk it into your drive to get it running. If I had a suggestion, it would be to make the official blurb on the inside cover more readable. It is in a type that s e e m s  t o  h a v e  a  s p a c e  between all the letters and is most difficult to read.

A bonus has been added in the form of a teaser CD for their next offering on Trainers. It is still at a bargain price and well worth picking up.

Review CD courtesy of Dataview. Order yours direct

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