
B-36: Moving the Last Peacemaker


Richard Marmo


Self published


$19.95 plus S&H from http://scalepublications.freeyellow.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

By now, you will know that I've reviewed two CDs on Saving the Last Peacemaker. In that production, the author of this CD took the vast majority of images relating to the initial disassembly, moving, reassembly, disassembly again and moving again of the last B-36 produced. As you know, that plane was reclaimed from the group that had responsibility for it by the USAF and was moved to the Pima Aerospace Museum where it now rests.

This CD contains 875 images and a total of 103 Megabytes. These images are in a slide show presentation which you can adjust in terms of speed and stopping to look at the pictures. The images themselves are 800x600 pixels and it is recommended to readjust your monitor resolution to match this. Doing so will provided the best image quality, though you can watch it at other resolutions. I went through it at my standard resolution of 1024x768 and was not bothered by the few artifacts this presented to me.

This makes an excellent companion to the Saving the Last Peacemaker CD and if you want to see the down and dirty of the insides of the aircraft and the struggles in moving it, this is a CD you really should consider.

June 2007

My thanks to Richard at http://scalepublications.freeyellow.com  for the review sample.

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