
Warbirds, part 1


Jay Sherlock


Aero Research Co - e-mail AeroResearch@Charter.net to order yours


$11.95  plus S&H


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM, Catalogue #3002

The next new CD-ROM from Aero Research is Warbirds Collection #1. This one has 166 images, taking up 372 Megabytes of space on the disc. There is no autoplay function, with the disc being designed to operate on whatever image viewing program you might happen to have. For most that would be one of the various Windows programs, such as Windows Explorer or something similar.

As with others in this series, the images are huge, allowing viewing on whatever screen resolution you choose. The majority of the images are also well done, nice and clear. I will have to say that the author's idea of a warbird and mine are a bit different. To me, a warbird is an old, ex-military aircraft that has been painted in representative military markings and owned by a private individual. To this CD, it means any ex-military aircraft no longer operated by the military. That means we see California Department of Forestry aircraft, those operated by Flight Systems and so on. Does not diminish the quality or interest in the CD, just a difference in interpretation.

You'll find a huge number of very interesting aircraft from the A6M through B-25s, F8Fs, MiGs, T-33s and many, many more types.

If you have an interest in these aircraft, and who doesn't, then I can most highly recommend this CD to you. You'll be just as pleased with it as I.

You can get more information by e-mailing AeroResearch@Charter.net as they have not yet established a web site. Thanks to Aero Research for the review CD.

February, 2007

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