
Army Vehicles and Weapons




Dataview Publishing


$ visit  www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

This latest offering from Dataview books is on US Army Vehicles and Weapons. There are images from the various tech orders that have an image of the subject, a complete technical description of the specifications of each item and a note as to anything specific or a change from an eariler variant.

There are 150 pages in pdf format, making it easy to go through the CD. It starts with tanks, artillery and missiles, moving to rifles and hand guns and finishing up with general vehicles like jeeps, large trucks, mobile cranes and the like.

Overall, it is a fine reference and one that covers much of what was in the inventory from Korea to the mid-Vietnam war era. This is quite handy for the modeler as well as the enthusiast.

July 2008

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