
Modeler's Closeup #8: C-17 Globemaster III


Chris Reed


Dataview Publishing


$9.99 direct at www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

#8 in the series is on the relatively new C-17A Globemaster III. This edition has 52 pages total and contains full page images of various parts of the aircraft. Except for those images from the D.O.D., there are no captions, though one pretty well knows what one is seeing.

The vast majority of images were taken at an air show so as one might expect from show images, there are no cockpit or upper deck images. Mostly the lower cargo compartment and what you can see from the ground. These images fill the page and are superbly crisp and clear. It's images as one sees in this CD that make these such superb references for the modeler. With the upcoming 1/72 C-17 kit from Anigrand and a 1/144 version from another company, this will be a reference to have.

Overall, it is an excellent value for the money, especially if you get the download version. The images are superb and a real boon to modelers wanting that little bit extra detail.

You can get a downloadable PdF copy for $3.99. A hard copy will be available later.

November  2006

Order yours direct from www.dataviewbooks.com

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