
Locomotive Patents


Chris Reed


Dataview Publishing


$9.99 direct at www.dataviewbooks.com


Scott Van Aken

Notes: CD-ROM

Continuing with their series of patent books/cds, Dataview has come up with one on Locomotive Patents. The CD is divided into several sections, starting with the 1800s and then by every decade until the 1960s. This CD covers every aspect of the locomotive from the general design to the detail bits and pieces.

I found the sections that covered streamlined locomotives to be particularly interesting. Not everything in here actually made it to the rails and some are quite fanciful.

It is a fascinating look at the railroad industry and  very much worth the price as it is 211 pages in length. A most worthy addition to your  library.

You can get a downloadable PdF copy as well. A hard copy will be available later.

November  2006

Order yours direct from www.dataviewbooks.com

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