Dutch Profile: Dutch Indies Presentation Spitfires


De 'Indische' Spitfires


Nico Geldhof & Luuk Boerman


Dutch Profile


€15.00 from www.dutchprofile.nl 


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Dutch and English, A4 format, card covers.

It was quite common during World War II for the price of aircraft to be paid for by special fund drives. In these cases the aircraft would have some sort of inscription on them identifying who it was that had provided the funding. The Soviet Union, Japan, to some extent the US, and Great Britain all had aircraft in service that were presentation planes.

In some cases, like the Japanese and Soviets, the presentation inscription was quite large. The British, however, just had a simple name on the left side of the plane ahead of the windscreen. Naturally, many Commonwealth nations provided funds for these planes, but so did the Dutch living in the yet, un-invaded Netherlands East Indies. In fact, the Dutch government in exile provided funds for a number of aircraft all on its own.

In all, residents of the Dutch East Indies donated funds for well over 100 Spitfires, mostly IIb and Vb types before Japanese occupation made additional donations impossible. In addition to the Spitfires, funds for 32 Hudsons (used by 320 Squadron; made up of Dutch crews), 3 Beaufighters, 6 tanks, 14 Bren carriers, 3 MTBs and one destroyer were raised in the time leading up to mid 1942.

This book concentrates on the Spitfires, telling not only the stories of how they were funded, but also how they were used in combat and by which units. A full listing of known aircraft either by serial or by name is provided. The full histories of those whose serial is known is provided as well as a listing of units and the presentation aircraft that were assigned to them.

The book is in both Dutch and English, though it is set up a bit differently from other dual language books by having all the Dutch section first, followed half way through the book by the English. This is an excellent book for both historian, modeler, and Spitfire enthusiast. A number of superbly drawn color profiles and three views are presented on the covers and in a color center section.

There are decals related to this book for the modelers in the crowd. Overall, an excellent book on an equally interesting aircraft and one that I can highly recommend to those interested.

Review book courtesy of www.dutchprofile.nl  where you can get your copy today.

March 2008

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