Kagero's TopDrawings #13: IL-2


Maciej Noszczak




17.85 Euros


Scott Van Aken

Notes: #7013. ISBN 978-83-61220-88-6

Now here is a resource that should find favor with many, especially those with a touch of AMS who have to have everything exactly right. Kagero's series 'TopWings' is basically a book of plans in 1/48, 1/72 and 1/32. It shows every change to every variant of the IL-2 in both profile and plan view. The majority of profiles are in 1/48 with the plan views in 1/72

Both the right and left sides are shown as is the underside of the aircraft. Included are cross sectional references that one would normally see way back when folks were carving their models from balsa or basswood. These sorts of features are much loved by radio control fans who often build their own aircraft from scratch.

There is also a series of profiles in 1/72 starting with the first IL-2 and then showing the changes in the airframe as the variants progressed. In addition to what is bound in the book, Kagero has provided two very large foldouts in 1/32 scale. There is one for the single seat versions and another for the two seat IL-2s. In the center of the book and on the back cover are full color profiles of some of the aircraft.

 Included in the book is a huge sheet of decals covering the color profiles in 1/72, 1/48 and 1/32 scales. This sheet provides basically the unique markings (in this case, numbers) to use with kit decals. I've scanned it a bit dark to make the white easier to see. There are very good kits in all three scales so these can be quite useful.

In all, an outstanding reference book for the fan and for plans people. The decal sheet only adds to the value.

September 2011

My thanks to Kagero for the review sample. Visit them at www.kagero.pl and order yours, or get them at your favorite hobbyist.

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