
Heinkel He-111 vol 2


Krzysztof Janowicz




$24.95 ($22.47 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Monographs # 8. ISBN 83-89088-43-6

Without a doubt one of the workhorse bombers of the Luftwaffe during WWII was the He-111. It operated from the first to the last days of the war and was used for more than just bombing. Versions were used as transports, mine-sweepers, and V-1 launch platforms. Wherever Germans fought, there was the He-111

This second volume covers the operational use of the He-111 starting from the Spanish Civil War up to the end of WWII in Europe. Throughout the book are numerous photographs of the aircraft, some of which are new to me. There are a few cases where different images of the same aircraft are used to fill space, but overall the images are very well done. In the center of the book is a large foldout that has a pair of well done color three views. In this section are over a half dozen color period photographs. These have all been published before, but it is nice to have them all in one location.

Further back is a huge section of drawings, starting with the He-111H and continuing to the H-22 variant. Oddly, there is a full three view of the He-111B-2 included; perhaps a glitch? There is also a section on how to tell the different variants apart, something that all of us who are modelers will appreciate.

Included in this book is a very nice set of decals by Techmod. These are keyed to various color profiles either in the center of the book or on the covers. These decals are in both 1/72 and 1/48 scale and a nice addition.

While I have not read part one, I can assume that it is the developmental history of the aircraft and includes all the drawings and such for the earlier variants. For those embarking on building a He-111 model or for those who just have an interest in the type, this would be a very good reference to have.

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