
JG 11


Marek J. Murawski




$19.95 ($17.96 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes:  ISBN 83-89088-48-7

Here is another of Kagero's super Luftwaffe unit histories. This time the subject is JG 11, a unit that was born in 1943 out of one of the gruppes of JG 1. Their prime purpose was as an interceptor unit to attack US daylight bomber streams that were beginning to make their presence known in the skies over Germany and northern Europe. As an interceptor unit, they were equipped with FW-190s and special high altitude 109s with the DB605AS engines.

Initially they had a great deal of success, mainly because most US bomber missions were not accompanied by escort fighters so JG 11 aircraft were able to develop tactics such as aerial bombs and rockets which required time to set up. However, they were quite successful. The introduction of escort fighters put an end to the use of these tactics as the defending fighters were unable to properly set up their attacks.

As with all Kagero books, this one is a combination of Polish and English. Since Kagero has hired a proof-reader whose main language is English, the quality of the English portion of the book has vastly improved and is eminently readable. The book also boasts a number of great photographs of aircraft and personalities. Included is the usual freebie, this time in the form of a book mark with RLM color chips. There are also excellent profiles on the cover pages and in a large fold-out in the center of the book.

Overall, an excellent effort and a book that any Luftwaffe fan should have on their shelves.

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