
JG 51 volume 1


Marek J. Murawski




$18.95 ($16.97 at Squadron)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: #29. ISBN 83-89088-39-8

Continuing with Kagero's unit histories is this one on JG 51. This group's main claim to fame during the early war was that it had Werner Molders, the Luftwaffe's top scoring pilot of the time. It also helped provide the brunt of fighter protection during the Battle of Britain along with JG 26.

As with all these books, it opens with a battle account and then goes into the history of the unit. Along the way, there are additional tales to help spice things up and give a feeling for what it was like to be with the unit during that time in history.

There are also the excellent profiles that are a trademark of Kagero and a freebie. Though I'd have much rather had decals, this one has a book mark with two color chips on it for RLM 68 and RLM 77, two of the lesser known shades.

The book also has a nice selection of photographs, many taken from private collections and several totally new to me. I should also mention that the book was almost totally free of any syntax problems and quite easy to read. I'd like to think that this means Kagero has hired an English speaking proof reader to check over the English portion of the dual Polish/English write-up. This makes a great deal of difference and only makes this book that much more desirable.

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