Luftwaffe Anti-Personnel Weapons
IPMS Canada, 1999

Approx $15.00
28 Pages

Here is an interesting little booklet that just might appeal to those who are tired of the mundane and want something esoteric to read.  It was offered in the latest edition of IPMS Canada's RT so I figured I'd order a copy. Well it isn't something that will make the best seller's list, but it is full of details on the weapons and the carriers/containers for them.

Well researched with images and cutaways of all the appropriate hardware. Colors and markings are also given for them. Probably the only drawback is that the verbiage tends to race ahead of the images after the first few pages. Often the images are a page or so before the write up on them. Not a major snafu, but something that I noticed. You will notice that the booklet is spiral bound and in black and white. Not a big problem as the tech manuals of the day were in those colors.

The booklet is in two parts with the first part the weapons and the second part the carriers and containers. While I doubt if many of us will be doing models of these items, it is nice to know that there is a good reference for them should the need arise. Recommended for those interested in weaponry and the die-hard Luftwaffe fanatic that has to have everything ever written on the subject.