
Germany Air Projects 1935-1945: Vol 3 - Bombers


Marek Rys'






Scott Van Aken


Continuing with their series on German Project Aircraft, this particular volume concentrates on bombers. As with the others in this series, it includes not only the expected paper projects, but variations of other types that were not brought to fruition for one reason or another.

The book is arranged alphabetically by manufacturer and then by project or aircraft number. It starts with Arado and the bomber versions and derivatives of the Ar-234, through the various manufacturers such as Blohm und Voss, Daimler-Benz, Focke-Wulf, Heinkel, Junkers and Messerschmitt. Each entry is accompanied by a three view drawing of most of the important versions with side or top views or other variants in the series.

This is the first time I've seen all the variations of the Arado E.555, for example. Some of the aircraft have a more detailed history than others as more is known. For instance, there is a considerable write up on the Ju.287 and the versions built and flown by the Soviets after the war. The Me-264 and variants of the Ar.234 also get extended historical information.

In addition to the superb line drawings, there are several pages at the end of computer art work of several of the aircraft from the book. These add a considerable dimension to the work as we can see what these planes may have looked like had they been carried out to fruition.

In all, another fascinating work from the folks at Mushroom Models. It shows that 'Luft 46' is still alive and well with books like this one providing the impetus for additional research. It is one that I thoroughly enjoyed reading and one I am sure you will too. 

August 2007

Please visit Mushroom Models Publications at their website listed below if you cannot find them locally. In the US, these are distributed by MMD/Squadron and in Australia it is Platypus Publications.

Many thanks to Mushroom Model Publications for providing the review copy.

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