
Adolf Galland


Robert Michulec & Donald Caldwell


Mushroom Models Publications




Scott Van Aken

Notes: #7103 ISBN 83-916327-4-1

From Mushroom Models Publications comes another book in their blue series, this time the subject is Luftwaffe Ace Adolf Galland. As with the earlier book on Molders, this one concentrates on Galland's career as well as the aircraft that he flew. Some of the more interesting air combats are depicted as are Galland's dealings with his superiors in the Luftwaffe and German government.

His various victories are also charted in the pertinent sections of the book and it is spiced up with three view drawings of the various aircraft that he flew. There is no lack of color profiles, as, in common with the Molders book, all of his fighters are presented. An added bonus is a transcript of a conversation held with Galland in 1991 that brings a bit of additional insight into Galland's personality and motivations.

For the raw stats on the book itself, it is card covered, 88 pages and about  9½ by 6¾ inches in size. The printing and images are first rate and on high quality paper. It is a fascinating read and one that I'm sure you will enjoy.

Review book courtesy of Mushroom Models Publications.

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