
Early Soviet Jet Bombers


Yeflim Gordon




$34.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 1-85780-181-4

It only makes sense that after their fine Early Soviet Jet Fighters book, that there would be a companion edition on jet bombers. This one is equally as fascinating as it covers the usual adaptations of  German technology and Russian engineering. Unlike the jets, the Russians used the Junkers Ju-287v3 (called the EF-132 for obvious reasons) to gain some experience in building turbojet powered bombers.

Though they developed their own engines, the Russians were lacking in the technology area as they'd stopped any work on turbines while the war was ongoing, unlike the British, Americans or Germans. Thanks to the incredible stupidity of the British government, the Soviets were able to purchase top engine technology in the form of the Rolls Royce Nene. This allowed a huge leap in engine construction techniques and brought Russian engines up to par with the rest of the world.

These engines, along with the less efficient Russian TR-1 turbojet, were used to power a variety of interesting airframes such as the four engined IL-22, a plethora of Tupolev designs and even the Baade type 150. Eventually a design made it far enough to be put into large scale production; the IL-28 'Beagle', of which the development is covered.

As usual with Red Star editions, there are lots of quality photographs, in-depth systems research, and three view drawings of all the aircraft covered in the book. Like most early attempts of bringing new technology into play, there is a lot of intrigue and lack of success. This is all brought fully to light in a most interesting book that will draw you in before you know it. A fascinating read and one that is highly recommended.

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