
Russia's Military Aircraft in the 21st Century


Yefim Gordon




$36.95 from Specialty Press


Scott Van Aken

Notes: ISBN 1-85780-224-1, 128 pages, 150 photos, softbound

Yefim Gordon is one of the masters of Russian aviation and this latest book from Midland concentrates on what is in service with the Russian Military today. Not surprisingly, the current Russian Air Force is not the massive force that it was 20 years ago and many types have been withdrawn from service. Little in the way of brand new equipment is currently flying with most of the aircraft in the inventory being upgrades of previous types.

In these pages you'll find the Su-24, Su-27 family that includes the Su-30 and Su-34, the Su-25, MiG-29, Yak-130, Tu-95, Tu-160, IL-18 and a host of helos. These helicopters include the Mi-24, Mi-28, Mi-8, and the Ka-50.

Each aircraft type includes a detailed history of the various upgrades that have been done to keep the planes viable and able to defend the nation. The listing is sometimes extensive and there are a superb selection of large photographs, all in color, to illustrate the various types in service. There are also diagrams and drawings to further enhance the experience.

This is a book that all who are interested in modern aviation will find of interest.

June 2006

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