
Fiesler Storch In Action


Jerry L Campbell


Squadron/Signal Publications


$11.95  ($8.92 at Squadron as of this writing)


Scott Van Aken

Notes: Aircraft # 198 ISBN: 0-89747-493-7

Squadron/Signal's Aircraft in Action series is slowly moving towards the 200 mark with #198 on the Fieseler Storch. It is somewhat amazing that it has taken this long for an 'in Action' volume on this aircraft to appear, but since it isn't a fighter or bomber, then perhaps its lack of glitz has a lot to do with it taking so long.

It could also be that there weren't enough images for a volume. As you are all probably aware, this series is very much a visual experience, with little more than basic background information provided. The pages usually have four nice images on each of them to help depict the various versions and some nice operational shots.

The Storch book deviates from that just a tad. Many of the pages have two large images on them, some have three and some have just one. This will be appreciated by those who like to have big pictures so that they can glean detail information from them.

Typical of the series, there is a short historical background on the aircraft, followed by subsections on the different variants. This is accompanied by scale drawings of the entire aircraft and of those parts changed between versions. You will also find a very nice selection of profiles (and these are profiles and not the quasi-artwork of some previous editions) along with the usual artwork on the front and back covers. I found it interesting that the back cover artwork was superimposed over actual photographs. It works well in this instance though I did find it somewhat disconcerting to notice all the satellite dishes atop the houses on one of them! Part of the 1943 air defense network, undoubtedly...

I found this book to be a fascinating read and I'm sure you will to. It is a book that I can highly recommend to all.

October 2005

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