Aeromaster 48-106: Early Mustangs
Units: | Various |
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$ |
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particular sheet has markings for six aircraft and enough insignia and data
markings for three. The recommended kit is the only one done with any success in
injected plastic, and that is the very nice Accurate Miniatures kit. There have
been several boxings of this one so you need to pick the right one for the
markings provided.
The first three are RAF Mustang I/IA aircraft. All are in the standard mid/late war camo scheme with yellow wing leading edge ID markings.
63*X is with 400 squadron, RCAF. Sky spinner and fuselage band.
Next is
SY*L also with 400 squadron RCAF. Note that these first two are Mustang Is so
have machine gun wing armament and two guns in the nose.
Third is M from 168 Squadron. This plane has invasion stripes on the lower wings/fuselage and being a Mustang IA, has wing cannon armament.
All three of the next planes are USAAF aircraft in OD over neutral grey.
First is 'Betty Jean' a standard P-51 with the 154 RS in Italy during 1943. It has the canon wing armament and red spinner typical of the Mediterranean theater.
With the 86th FBG is 'Robbie', an A-36 in Italy during 1944.
Finally, with invasion stripes on the lower surfaces, a white nose and a Malcolm hood is a P-51A that was converted to an F-6B photo bird. Note that this plane does not have the slightly faded insignia of the other two so you'll have to get insignia for this one from another source.
2 variant, which means it has the bomb racks, is this RLM 81/83/76 plane from 1./KG 76. IT has a white fin tip.
Decals are nicely printed and my experience with old Aeromaster sheets is generally quite good.
September 2017
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