Sheet: |
Aeromaster 48-391: 4th FG P-47s pt II |
Units: | 334 FS/4 FG |
Price |
$ |
Reviewer: |
Well, here
is yet another P-47 Thunderbolt sheet. What with all the new T-bolts on the
market, this should do well. Since this is a 1998 sheet and produced before
the Hasegawa or Tamiya Thunderbolts were on the market, it is designed for
the Monogram kit. This is still a fine kit and can easily be found. It
should also fit the Otaki/Arii kit without any real problems. All these
planes are in Olive Drab over Neutral Grey with standard P-47 ETO ID
markings of white cowl and empennage stripes. These ID markings will have
to be painted on. I should also mention that none of these planes carry
under wing pylons so if using the Monogram kit, these will have to be cut
off and the hole filled with card. The cowl flap area will also have to be
modified somewhat in terms of flap numbers on the C and the lack of
the lower curved section. Again, something that can easily be done with
plastic card and filler.
First up
is Duane Beeson's 'Boise Bee'. This D-1 has the oversized insignia
under both wings.
'Little Butch' as a C-5 as piloted by Gil Ross in 1943. This one has an RAF style rear view mirror.
Finally, William Hollander's 'Wela Kahao'. As with the previous aircraft, it has oversized insignia under both wings of his P-47C-5.
A really fine sheet with enough markings for all three aircraft and some fine nose art as well.
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