Data Decals 32-004: P-40s in the USSR |
$11.00 from Data Decals |
See review |
It seems
that good decal sheets come in pairs so this is the second P-40 sheet from
Data Decals. This time, it covers Russian P-40s. These planes were all sent
from British orders so are mostly in US equivalent colors of Dark Green and
Dark Earth over Sky Grey. There is a color chart that gives close FS 595
equivalents as there is yet no paint company that produces these somewhat
unusual colors. Perhaps some one like ColourCoats will add these to its
growing inventory.
First up
is White 58 of the 20 GIAP. This aircraft is in US colors of OD over
neutral grey, with a well worn white distemper overspray. This pilot's kill
markings are provided in case you wish to use them.
Next is AH 975 in standard RAF markings, complete with the Sky Grey fuselage band as operated by TsAGI, the Soviet test unit during 1941.
Next is AH 965 in overall white as operated by the 126 IAP in Moscow during 1941. The white was over the standard RAF scheme and is slightly worn. The actual serial presentation is unclear so alternates are provided.
Next is white 75 for the 154 IAP at Leningrad curing 1942. This one is also in the standard RAF markings, but without the fuselage band. Note the different presentation of the red star on the side of the aircraft.
Finally, a P-40E, White 65 of the 154 IAP, also in standard RAF markings. For those of you wondering what to use as a kit, there is always the old Revell 1/32 P-40E which can be made into a most respectable model.
Review copy courtesy of Data Decals.
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