Sheet: |
Superscale 48-1184: P-51D Mustang |
Units: | 21 and 506 FG |
Price |
$10.00 |
Reviewer: |
Returning to Mustangs, here are a couple of more late war, unpainted metal ones from the Pacific Theater. As always, the most popular kit is the one recommended and this is the Tamiya kit in this scale. Of course, you can use others, but the bands are sized to fit the Tamiya kit.
First up is 'Hel-eter/Lil-Toddie' from the 457 FS/506 FG based on Iwo
Jima in the last months of the war. This aircraft has some nice nose art on it
and a tail section that is in Green. Much easier to paint this than use a decal,
but don't forget to leave a section unpainted for the serial.
The other is 'Mary Alyce' from the 46 FS/21 FG, also on Iwo. This aircraft has dark blue with black stripes for the spinner, wing tips and tail. The tail stripe is provided as are the black outlines for the other two. This one has some nice cheesecake artwork.
Both of these planes have twin IFF antennas on the spine and the VHF antenna moved to between the wheel wells. Full data is provided for one aircraft and insignia for both.
May 2007
Thanks to Superscale for the review sheet
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