Superscale 48-725 for P-47D Razorbacks |
$6.00 |
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An aircraft
that is often overlooked by both modelers and by aftermarket companies is the
early P-47C/D Thunderbolt. These are often called 'Razorback' because of the
relatively sharp spine aft of the canopy. Later P-47Ds went to an all-round
vision canopy to allow for greater ease in tracking enemy aircraft as they had
no blind spot to the rear as did the earlier versions.
Like so many things in history, none of the men who flew these early P-47s referred to them as 'razorbacks'. Like the insistence that we call all 109s built by Messerschmitt Bf-109s, when the they were referred to as Me-109s by both those that flew in them and those that flew against them.
Anyway, this sheet offers two aircraft, both of them in olive drab uppers and neutral grey undersides.
The first plane is flown by Capt. Quirk of the 62nd FS/56 FG and has a caricature of Donald Duck on its yellow nosed cowling.
The other is 'Missbehavin' with the appropriate cheesecake on both sides of the cowling and flow by Lt. Berkshire fo the 487th FS/352nd FG.
You get enough stencils and insignia to do one of the two planes on the sheet. As with all other new Superscale sheets, there is a complete stencil guide on the instruction sheet. If you have a need for something a bit different for your Jug, you should consider this sheet.
Review copy courtesy of
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