Sheet: |
Superscale 48-790 for 352 FG P-51D |
Units: | 352 FG |
Price |
$7.00 |
Reviewer: |
The Mustangs of
the 'Blue Nose Bastards of Bodney' have always been popular modeling subjects.
This Superscale sheet offers two really nice ones to add to your collection. You
have a wide variety of Mustang models to choose from for this and though the
markings (specifically the D-Day stripes) have been designed for the Tamiya kit,
you could probably use any other kit with equal success.
First is one of the many 'Cripes A Mighty' aircraft flown by the 328th FS's CO, George Preddy. This one has the D-Day stripes and a red rudder to go along with the blue nose.
The other plane is 'Moonbeam McSwine' of William Whisner from the 487th FS. His aircraft has a blue rudder as was normal for this squadron and a large scoreboard on the fuselage side.
Superscale offers full stencil data and an excellent stencil placement guide that you can actually read (unlike the tiny drawings some other companies provide).
Review copy courtesy of
. Thanks for your support.
If you would like your product reviewed fairly and quickly by a site that has well over 150,000 visitors a month, please contact me or see other details in the Note to Contributors.
PS. Sam Sox Jr sent in this information regarding 'Cripes A Mighty'
"The first error is that the aircraft did not have black and white lower fuselage invasion stripes but only two black bands. The second is the omission of a red and white barber pole that was on the right side of the nacelle which the crew chief added to all the 328th aircraft he crewed. It advertised that he was not only the crew chief but was also the squadron barber. In addition at the time this rendering depicts, that being prior to November 2, 1944, it also had single ID bands on the under surface of the horizontal stab and elevator which are not described in the application instructions or in the profiles drawings. The time period for this rendering would place it as it appeared from the last week in October 1944 to November 2nd not December as noted on the instruction sheet. On a mission on the 2nd he scored his first victory flying this Mustang and the Crew Chief Sgt. Art Snyder informed me that he had applied another swastika to the bottom horizontal row of two. About this time period, Sgt. Art Snyder began applying what I have called his "Synderisms" to the '51 as he had on all other Mustangs he had crewed as chief, that being the red and white stripes on trim tabs, radio antenna, a red half moon on gear door and white gun bay covers with red diamond design over each gun port."