Black Box 1/48  F-18F Cockpit Set




$26.00 MSRP ($17.75 at North American Hobbies )


Italeri 1/48 F-18F Hornet


Scott Van Aken

The Italeri F-18F is a kit that needs a lot of help in the cockpit department. Recent reviews have made that very apparent! This set is a total replacement for that kit's cockpit and includes parts for the inside of the canopy as well. As you can see, there are a lot of parts to this including sidewall panels, instrument panels, glare shields, rudder pedals, control sticks, throttles and a number of other small bits including a total canopy frame. Of course, this also includes a pair of bang seats (Martin Baker SJU-17As if I read the instructions correctly). One thing that the builder will have to do is to glue some plastic strips into the fuselage halves to properly seat the cockpit tub. A set of precise measurements is provided in the instructions for you do properly do this. You'll also have to provide a few pieces of stretched sprue or plastic rod to fully complete the set. Overall, I'd say this set is a must for the Italeri F-18F.

Review set courtesy North American Hobbies, where you can get everything from 20-30% below retail.

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