Black Box  F-16C block 52 cockpit set




$20.00 MSRP ($16.00 at North American Hobbies )


Any 1/48 Hasegawa kit


Scott Van Aken

Well, apparently there is a difference in the cockpits between a 'regular' F-16C and the Block 52 versions. I wouldn't have known it, but a die-hard Falcon fan would probably spot it in an instant! Now there is a set specifically for this variant. As with nearly all BB sets, some modification to the kit has to be done in order to get the resin bits to fit properly. This one also includes two different seats, an 'early' and a 'late' one. I've not a clue as to which version is which as they both look quite similar to me. I do notice that the early style has little 'ears' on the side of the headrest that the later one doesn't. Also included in this set is the inside of the canopy frame and the little hooks that help seal the canopy. It really is a super set and should make your next F-16C Block 52 look great.

Review set courtesy North American Hobbies, where you can get everything from 20-30% below retail.

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