W&D Studio 48012: F-14 pitot & AOA sensor






HobbyBoss 1/48 F-14 kits


Scott Van Aken


The next stainless steel upgrade bit from W&D Studio is the pitot tube and the angle of attack sensor for the 1/48 F-14 by Hobby Boss. Since these are designed as direct replacements, and the design of the nose probe is different on the Hobby Boss kit, then so is this one. While it may work on other Tomcats, one may have to do some cutting.You may well have to remove and drill out the kit AOA sensos to install the one in the set.

The nice thing about these metal probes is that they are not easily broken off like their plastic brethren. They also have the benefit of not needing seams scraped so are perfectly round, unlike the way most kit offerings turn out!

Well worth seeking out.

February 2012

Review sample courtesy of those fine folks athttp://www.thepmw.com. As a note, their English section of the web site should be up in February.

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